Monday, December 12, 2011

Aristotle and the Death Penalty

Hey y'all (fellow philosophers)--
The death penalty is a very tricky topic.  However, Artistole would have had a pretty concrete opinion regarding it.  Aristotle would not oppose the death penalty, yet he would believe that in some cases you must take into account the background of the perpetrator.  He believes that people should get what they deserve, however, the justice cannot be neutral.  In conclusion, the death penalty should be given to those who deserve it in the eyes of Aristotle.


  1. good insight madella.

  2. I would definitely agree that Aristotle would have this viewpoint! Well said Madella! Although Aristotle would not oppose the killing of another in this cirumstance, he would make the argument that one must take into account who the criminal is and what his background is before sentencing him to the death penalty. By doing this, he would be arguing that justice cannot be neutral (as you said) but must be able to adapt to the different punishments different people deserve.
